
Cast Bronze, 2008

A lot of people told us that freedom would come, and when it finally arrived, it sho' felt wonderful. My kinfolk and all the other slaves, we danced and kicked about, jumped up and hollered till the angels smiled down and gave us a warm sunny day. Yes, Lawd, I tell you, it was the happiest moment of my life. All the slaves were there, some we had never seen before. They were teamsters, seamstresses, house people, who lived right up there in the big ole house. But that day was special, because we were all one.

The sun also shined on ole masta and his wife. The highlight of the day was when missy and masta showed up to bid us farewell. But don't you know, many of the slave people chose to stay on and work the place for a little bit o' money and room to grow their own crops.

Well, that didn't set well with me, cuz me and my husband, we wanted to get as far away from this place as we could. No sirree, I didn't want no part of slavery no more. I really felt sorry for our owners, though, 'cause their whole lives were wrapped up in this terrible thing called slavery.

Don't you know, ole missy taught me to read--she taught me my letters. And that's really why it hurts me that we have to part. There they were, there in the slave quarters, with their eyes full of tears and she moanin' with such sadness in her heart. And we's taking part in this jubilation with all the black soldiers who helped us with our freedom.